National Emerging Technology Conference

November 14-15, 2024

Disrupt Up is a new annual innovation event in the Roanoke-Blacksburg region. Speakers, workshops, and panels will center on AI this year.

Annual Emerging Technologies Conference powered by Roanoke-Blacksburg Technology Council

November 14-15, 2024
Hotel Roanoke, Roanoke, VA

The Roanoke-Blacksburg Technology Council (RBTC) is launching an annual conference to share global knowledge and resources with the ecosystem surrounding emerging technologies. The November conference will focus on AI in 2024 and deliver a variety of keynotes, panels and breakout sessions through three tracks: biotechnology, technology and a track dedicated to startups.

disrupt up logo
What To Expect

Who Should Attend?

As the convener of the region’s innovators driving the tech-based economy, RBTC’s annual conference will serve technologists of all stages and ages through access to global subject matter experts leveraging emerging technologies for success across industries. 


The two-day event will offer sessions focusing on AI in technology and life science, with an additional track dedicated to startups.

Track themes include: AI in the workplace, emerging trends, leadership, social impact, R&D, and modern engineering among others. Hear use-case presentations and engaging founder stories plus an overall focus on building a region for STEM talent. 

Have a presentation or know a great speaker? RBTC is seeking subject matter experts in tech and life sciences to moderate panels and present throughout the event. Let us know if you’re interested by submitting your idea.

Nikki Hastings, PhD
Panel Moderator

Paul Nolde
Panel Moderator/Investor Meetup
Lighthouse Labs RVA

Creed Jones III, PhD
Globe Biomedical, Virginia Tech

Brett Malone headshot

Brett Malone, PhD
Virginia Tech Corporate Research Center

Ruoix Jia, PhD headshot

Ruoix Jia, PhD
Virginia Tech

Michelle Maldonado
Virginia House of Delegates

Drew Hunt
Dreamit Ventures

Kareem Barghouti
Pramga Bio

Todd Mostak

Katie Beach
Katie Beach Consulting


Industry speakers from across the globe will come together to share innovative ideas and solutions for implementing emerging technologies into the workplace. Help us curate the Disrupt Up experience by telling us how you are using AI, and what you would be most interested in learning more about!

We Thank Our Disrupt Up Sponsors

Disrupt Up event sponsors