The RAMP business accelerator is offering an exclusive ground-?oor opportunity to any established, stable company looking for space within a vibrant, entrepreneurial atmosphere.
More than just of?ce space, the Gill Memorial Building will be the home of RAMP: The Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Accelerator, which will offer mentoring opportunities, connections to investor funding, networking and education. The goal of RAMP is to accelerate the success of high potential companies, and keep them in the Roanoke-Blacksburg Region.
Benefits and features:
- 1904 Usable and 2377 Rentable Square Feet.
- Outstanding and visible downtown location.
- First ?oor convenience.
- First ?oor of?ces can be secured from common areas.
- Monthly and hourly parking is available in the lot at Jefferson and Elm and other nearby lots.
- Open ?oor plan – can be adapted to tenant’s needs.
- Networking Opportunities with Successful Technology Entrepreneurs.
- Education, Networking and Funding contacts.
- Access to high-speed low latency Broadband network (up to 100 Gbps available).
- Be a part of the region’s growing Entrepreneurial Ecosystem.
- Access to programming of RBTC (Roanoke Blacksburg Technology Council) and VWCC’s Workforce Solutions Division.
Interested in learning more? Download the flyer here and see property details and pricing: here.