RBTC Members Contribute $4K in Donations, Swag for Engineering Students

hypatia drive smiling team

RBTC members are making a difference for students who are the future of the technology industry.

Members of the Roanoke-Blacksburg Technology Council (RBTC) donated $1,600 to support a talent initiative to keep female engineering students in the region and added another $2,500 in swag donations.

The drive for members of the Hypatia Community at Virginia Tech was facilitated by RBTC’s WoTech (Women in Technology), who helped plan the fundraiser, stuff care packages, and deliver 250 bags.

Hypatia is a residential learning community for women engineering students. 

Delivery day was more than just a drop-off. WoTech members also brought hot pizza and snacks as they were able to interact – in person – with about 100 students the last week of March.

It seems like the message to students was well-received: There is a village in the Roanoke and New River Valleys who care about the future of students and want to work to keep them in our region after graduation through internships and eventually long, successful careers. 

“We were so excited to directly interact with these awesome engineering students as they picked up goody bags, study gear, and sweet swag from our technology partners through the RBTC,” said Lea Hamblin, Employee Development Manager for Ozmo. “Through meaningful conversation, we learned that this is a gap that we need to continue to close in creating strong hiring pipelines in our region. Our hope is to continue to spread awareness and build relationships with our student community along with the RBTC’s continued support.”

WoTech exists to champion and celebrate women and diversity in our region’s growing tech community. The RBTC supports the WoTech Committee by assisting with yearly mentoring, and educational and network programming including Morning Jolts, Lunch & Learn, and the Power Hour series.  

Learn more about WoTech and join us for an upcoming event.

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