WoTech Lunch & Learn

Blacksburg, Virginia

The RBTC’s WoTech group is teaming up with the NRV Lunch Bunch Toastmasters group for a refreshing summertime Lunch & Learn. While WoTech focuses on connecting women in technology with mentions, resources, programming and networking, Toastmasters provides a supportive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater […]

RAMP Pitch & Polish

Blacksburg, Virginia

Pitch & Polish clinics provide a valuable opportunity for entrepreneurs to pitch their business ideas to a team of regional mentors who want to help them polish their presentation, provide feedback on their business model, and connect them with the resources they need to grow. These are private events with one company at a time […]

cs/root Seminar

Blacksburg, Virginia

Please join us on Friday, April 14, at 2:30 PM in 2150 Torgersen Hall for the final cs/root seminar of the spring semester. Closing out the spring seminar series is alumni Matt Pfeil (BS `05). A serial entrepreneur and Entrepreneur-in-Residence with Top Tier Capital Partners, Matt will discuss lessons learned through his ~20 year career in west coast startups.  He'll cover the […]

COgro LABS Soft Launch

Blacksburg, Virginia

COgro LABS Soft Launch and Info Session Join us for an info session with VTCRC President and CEO Brett Malone and Sally Allain of JLABS on March 30, 2023. Space Rabbit Coffee will be available along with a light breakfast in the COgro kitchen. Tour our NEW proof of concept lab facilities before anyone else […]