What to Expect from WoTech in 2023

If you Google “women in technology,” many of the top results provide information about how to support colleagues in tech-based fields.

With monthly opportunities for professional development and social networking – the in-person kind! – WoTech is a safe space to share experiences and learn from others. It’s an opportunity to make new connections with career-oriented women, build each other up, and strengthen the skills needed to grow and thrive in today’s tech world.

“WoTech means a village of women where I can connect and grow, somewhere I don’t necessarily need to pre-explain what’s going on because they are living my experiences as well,” said Wendi Pannell, Vice President of Digital Content Production at Ozmo. “Women and allies that want to see me be successful, where I can also give back, save someone time by sharing my experiences and lessons learned.”

2 Opportunities to Get Involved

RBTC’s Women In Technology has had tremendous growth over the past year and is looking to grow our committee with additional strong women.

We are looking for the following roles:

  • Power Hour Committee Member
  • Committee Chair

These are excellent opportunities to give back to the WoTech community and take on a leadership role. WoTech is an incredibly supportive group that rallies around each other during any season that you are in. Interested in getting involved?

Upcoming WoTech Events

Get ready for a year full of amazing events with WoTech! Check out the first few we have set for 2023!

January 18 – Morning Jolt

January 26 – Power Hour

February 1 – Lunch & Learn

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